Thursday, January 8, 2009

Historic Manassas Museum Launches Branded Products

The Manassas Museum, located in Old Town Manassas, decided to launch a line of branded products highlighting the history and tradition of this very special region of the "Old Dominon."

Located in the heart of the Virginia Piedmont and the site of two major battles in the War Between the States-First Manassas (Bull Run) and Second Manassas (Bull Run), Manassas has many historical points of note and the Museum sought product design to leverage this rich history.

To name but a few...

It was here that "Stonewall" Jackson got his nickname of...well, "Stonewall," so given because of his unyileding battle lines. Also, Manassas is the site of the first military the world. Spies and subterfuge made this part of Virginia a hotbed of clandestine activity. Colonel John Mosby, Confederate raider, literally roamed this area with impunity, giving the region the name "Mosby's Confederacy."

Shirts, mugs, rulers, bookmarks, historical tins...a whole line of items have been produced and I was pleased to be asked to work on designing these interesting projects.

Shown here is the tin for the old Hopkins Candy Factory, an enterprise that once dominated Old Town Manassas. With quality candy in this tin, the period piece graphics, developed by A Guy Studio, reflect the time of this business's hay-day.

Also shown is a bookmark with a timeline of Manassas highlights on one side and vignets ont he other, including an image of a cipher disk on the front...a cipher disk used to send messages between agents of the Confederate Secret Service.

Other items to be posted soon-

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